2006 Guestbook


Istria on the Internet was created in November 1998 and is a privately-owned and operated site about and for the multi-cultural and multi-ethnic Istrian people residing all over the world. We are strictly non-political and non-commercial in nature, and are not affiliated with any for-profit enterprise or any past or current political party, nation or nationalism. Therefore, we reserve the right to delete entries made to this page that contain non-Istrian sentiment or are politically-charged, rude and/or inflammatory, or any dialogs which are not in keeping with a casual message environment, including highly personal messages that can otherwise be made via standard email exchanges.  We shall also remove all commercial advertising and links to non-Istrian business enterprises.

We otherwise invite you to make announcements of Istrian events around the world both here and on our Calendar of Events. For authorization to post directly to the calendar, send us an e-mail request to webmaster@istrianet.org. To participate in interactive talks among the Istrian people, please join one or more of our Discussion Forums where we communicate in all our spoken languages.

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e come ogni 31 dicembre....I migliori auguri a tutti voi! Che il Signore vi accompagni e protegga in questo nuovo anno, donandovi Salute, Pace, Serenità! Buon 2007 cari Istriani del mondo!

Dario Prodan <proledario@email.it> - (
Torino, Piemonte Italia - Sunday, December 31, 2006 at 14:02:18 (EST)

Salve sono un piranese doc,vorrei fare tanti cari auguri a tutti i Piranesi sparsi per il mondo Buon Anno 2007.

Mario <mariotorre@alice.it> - (
Trieste, Ts Italia - Saturday, December 30, 2006 at 04:34:30 (EST)

Download free catalogue of Fiume stamps and forgeries

Ivan Martinas <fiume-book net.hr> - (
Rijeka, Croatia - Friday, December 29, 2006 at 07:56:24 (EST)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody from Istria or with Istrian blood!!!!!!!!!

Giovanni Principe <theprince65@hotmail.com> - (
Dayton, Ohio U.S.A. - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 at 14:25:20 (EST)

I thank all of you who have addressed me in this Guestbook, those others who sent private emails, and to everyone else who shared their holiday cheer with our online family on the "istria-talks" mailing list.

I wish everyone a very merry Christmas
 and a
happy, healthful and prosperous new year.

Marisa Ciceran
Manhattan, New York City - Monday, December 25, 2006 at 02:43:00 (EST)

Atutti gli Istriani per il mondo, vogliamo inviare i nostri piu sinceri auguri per un Buon Natale e Felice Anno ,pieno di salute e felicita.

Famiglia Bencic <bencic@sympatico.ca> - (
Richmond Hill, Ontario canada - Sunday, December 24, 2006 at 23:15:05 (EST)

Wishing Marisa Ciceran, her Family and anyone associated with this wonderful site, a very Merry Christmas and Happy and Healthy 2007.

Daniela Liubicich Massa - (
New York, New York USA - Sunday, December 24, 2006 at 15:35:21 (EST) 

A tutti Istriani nel mondo, auguro un buon NATALE e buon ANNO. Grazie e complimenti del bellissimo sito allo STAFF del Istrianet.org. Eugenio Spada

Eugenio Spada < spadabc@telus.net> - (
Sidney , British Columbia Canada - Sunday, December 24, 2006 at 14:18:46 (EST)

All the best for you and your friends, dear istrian people around the world!! A special whishes to all the people how are living now with pain, disease, fatigue. To all generouse people how help them with strong effort in their daily battles. To Istrianet's Staff, Marisa, friends&family i renew my gratefulness for one of the best missions i have seen in my life. In january i'll be in CALDIER near MONTONA for the traditional nightwalk of "TRE RE". I'll take some photo there, if you need some special Photo for Istrianet, send to me a e-mail with the request. I hope to make a good work. Sorry for the usually terrible english translation and one more time Merry Christmas!!!

Carissimi Istriani sparsi per il mondo, vi giungano i miei auguri più sinceri per il Santo Natale! Mi auguro che sia un giorno di pace è tranquilittà, anche per chi sarà impegnato a lavoro, chi dovrà seguire i parenti ammalati, chi si trova in situazioni difficili. Come di consueto non posso dimenticare tutto lo staff di questo progetto magnifico al quale rinnovo la mia gratitudine. Per i tradizionali canti dell' l'Epifania (i TRE RE) sarò a Caldier vicino a Montona e li farò qualche foto (Spero di fare un buon reportage). Se avete qualche richiesta fotografica particolare per il sito di istrianet, fatemi sapere tramite email e vedrò di accontentarvi nel tempo che avrò a disposizione. Ciao e buon Natale!

DARIO Prodan <dario.prodan@akura.net> - (
Torino, Piemonte Italia - Sunday, December 24, 2006 at 13:15:11 (EST)

Un buon Natale ed un buon fine 2006. A tutti voi raminghi nel Mondo.

Giuseppe Ritschl <istriota@libero.it>
Senigallia, Italia - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 at 11:32:41 (EST)

Un caloroso augurio di buon natale e felice anno nuovo dalla famiglia godina (originaria di valle d'istria).

silvia <silviagodina@virgilio.it> - (
torino, piemonte italia - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 at 10:54:59 (EST)

Xe qualcun che poderia consigliarme a come riaver i beni lasadi nela Iugoslavia del 1949/50? Xe 57 anni che provemo. Mio papa', mamma e mi, gavemo lasa' in banca a Pola oltra 1,500,000 in Dinari, con condizion de eser ritornadi a noi al nostro arivo a Trieste, col cambio de qei anni de 1Dinaro=3Lire. El governo de Tito ne ga bidona' disonestamente, ignorando tute le nostre richieste e solecitazioni. El governo Croato atual, con tante promese de riparazion, ne traa nel steso modo. Che sorpresa!!! "El fruto no casca lontan". Come che i disi. Ve par?

Claudio Perucich <berny@netspace.net.au> - (
Melbourne Mill Park, Victoria Australia - Saturday, December 16, 2006 at 19:40:53 (EST)

Un caro saluto e augurio di Buon Natale e Capodanno a tutti. Comlimenti per il vostro bellissimo sito.

Gianna <albona2002@yahoo.com > - (
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Saturday, December 16, 2006 at 17:21:38 (EST)

Istrani diljem svijeta, Slusajte "Radio Pula" ili gladajte televizijske satelitske prijenose...sve o Istri na linku: https://www.hrt.hr/streams/

Ive Kalcic <ive.kalcic@sympatico.ca> - (
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Friday, December 15, 2006 at 01:24:53 (EST)


Hi Istriani, I am disappointed that Istrians are so passive, fatalistic and downright scared of their own shadow. I am looking at the petition and am amazed that even you who are outside Istria and should not be intimidated by Istian politicians are afraid to sign the petition. There are some people on these istrianet forums who were born almost at the site where the factory is being build and still did not sign the petition. This is a test of your loyalty and concern about Istria's environment and the health of your relatives there. Somebody said that "God will help those that help themselves" but being passive and disinterested about the things that should matter to you the most is a sin not just stupidity. Why should there bi more signatures from around the world than from Istria? Fear of intimidation, disinterest, lack of will to fight for what is right? All of the above, I assume! Why did it take a person on a different continent to show more concern and care for what is happening to Istria and Istrians than the people that live there? What is the matter with YOU Istrians? ?


Istrani, Jako sam razocaran da su Istrani tako pasivni, fatalisticki nastrojeni, I strase se svoje vlastite sijene. Gledam tu peticiju I ne mogu vijerovati da cak vi koji ste izvan Istre I nebi smjeli biti intimidirani of istarskih politicara bojite se potpisati tu peticiju. Ima ljudi na tim istianet forumima koji su se rodili pokraj mjesta gdje se gradi ta tvornica I jos uvijek niste potpisali tu peticiju. To je ispit vaseg lojalnosti I brige za istarski okolis I zdravlje vase rodbine koja jos uvijek tamo zivi. Netko je jednom rekao: "Bog pomaze onima koji sami sebi pomognu", ali biti pasivan I nezainteresiran o stvarima koja bi trebala vama biti od najvece vaznosti nije samo grijeh nego i glupost. Zasto ima vise potpisanih iz cijelog svijeta nego is Istre (pogotovo Labinstine). Strah od intimidacije, nezaintersiranost, manjak volje da se borite za pravdu? Vijerojatno svi ti faktori. Zasto je trebalo da jedna osoba sa jednog durgog kontinenta pokaze vise brige za ono sto se dogadja u Istri nego ljudi koji tamo zive? Koji vam je Vrag Istrani?

Pino <pgolja@msn.com> - (
San Francisco, California USA - Saturday, November 25, 2006 at 13:05:12 (EST)

Does anyone who visits this site regularly have relatives who come from Vele Mune, Istria?
Kathy Tudor <ktudor@yahoo.com> - (
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Sunday, November 19, 2006 at 02:20:55 (EST)

I repeat my recommendations and this time with one c only and double m. Bye
Giorgio Paliaga <gpali@tin.it> - (
Sesto Calende , Varese Italia - Saturday, November 11, 2006 at 18:17:09 (EST)

My best wishes to Ray (Raimondo) and his mother. We met on the plane (a BAE 146 , little four jet engines plane) from Tampere (Finland) to Copenhagen in the afternoon of Friday 15 Septmber 2006. His was for job in Finland, visiting a factory of his company : A big company working in hidraulics field. His wife was waiting him for a nice week end in Goteborg (Sweden). He is about thirty six ( if I rememeber well)and is from Cleveland (Ohio) It was a simpathetic meeting. After speaking a little bit we found that I was born in Pola and his Mother in Fiume. She is sixtyfive and ….. she eats in not so proper way. So Ray told me. My reccomandations to Ray's mother (I do not know her name) to eat more vegetables and less bread and pasta. To be less lazy and viceversa to prepare nice mixed salades for herself and replace bread with other things e.g wasa crackers. Siora la staghi ben, take care, and my best Xmas wishes ( even if it is so far) to her, Ray and all you family. Giorgio Paliaga Sesto Calende (Varese) 11/11/06

Giorgio Paliaga <gpali@tin.it> - (
Sesto Calende , Varese Italia - Saturday, November 11, 2006 at 18:10:47 (EST)

@Franko - thanks for the warm welcome back! I had a great time @Silvano - nisam siguran ali mislim da ne mogu pronaci na internetu.

Ivan Luksic - (
- Tuesday, November 07, 2006 at 19:01:00 (EST)

Ciao a tutti gli istriani del mondo. Mio nonno Claudio Angelini (nato Angelovich) viveva a Pola in Via Gabriele Emo e poi in Via Badoglio. Sua nonna paterna era una Bratulich originaria di San Pietro in Selve. Sto cercando i discendenti di una sorella di tale Maria Bratulich di nome Antonia. Lei si sposó col capitano Petar Ferencich (quello che trovó il tesoro dei Karageorgevich a Londra). Ebbe due figli Antonio e Nerina (1920). C'é qualcuno che se li ricorda? I Bratulich - Bartoli avevano un'osteria nei pressi dell'Arena dove vendevano vino e crauti. Un saluto di cuore a tutta l'Istria nel mondo!o!

Christian Selleri <chris80hun@libero.it> - (
Monfalcone - Venezia Giulia, Gorizia Italia - Sunday, November 05, 2006 at 03:51:25 (EST)

Franko Pavicevac, how are you? when will we meet in tupljak for a beer ? from your fellow tupljacani in australia.

Libero Kalcic <danny@kdeconstructions.com.au> - (
sydney, nsw australia - Thursday, November 02, 2006 at 03:30:22 (EST)

Visited the area and town my mother was born (Rabac) what a lovely city and area. I left part of my heart there. The water and beach are one of a kind in this world. Hope to go back there next year with my wife. Also visited Triest were I was born (1950).

W.Frank Schroeck <Wurzburg50@adelphia.net> - (
South Riding, Virginia U.S.A - Wednesday, November 01, 2006 at 01:53:51 (EST)

Puno ti hvala Ivan na informaciju za vlastnjisnje zemlje u Hrvatskoj, Dali se more pronaci "deed number" na internetu? Hvala

Silvano Lucic <specialteach@yahoo.com> - (
Tuscon, - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 at 20:35:40 (EST)

Welcome back Ivan L.! I hope you enjoyed visiting Tupljak & the rest.

F. Pavicevac - (
- Tuesday, October 24, 2006 at 22:40:48 (EDT)

Fantastic job! I just wanted to add a link for people who are interested in looking for their property online. Croatia provides the following for use: www.pravosudje.hr and www.katastar.hr. You will need to know the Croatian variant of the village name. You will also need to be sufficiently proficient in Croatian to manage the system. Finally, you need to know the deed numbers to do the check. However, this is a great webpage if you want to confirm whether your property is registered in your name.

Ivan A, Luksic - (
Vinemount, Ontario Canada - Monday, October 23, 2006 at 14:23:38 (EDT)

Ottima iniziativa. Utile esempio di comprensione e di civiltà. Giorgio Paliaga nato a Pola nell'Aprile del 1946

Giorgio Paliaga <gpali@tin.it> - (
Sesto Calende , Varese Italia - Saturday, October 21, 2006 at 19:21:04 (EDT)

Samuel Cernac; Fazana-Fasana;Istra-Istria,Croatia

Samuel Cernac <samuelcernac@yahoo.com> - (
Fazana, Istria Croatia - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 at 12:39:55 (EDT)

This is a message for LUIGI and SUE FLEGO from LONG ISLAND,NEW YORK.I can't email you because my computer is not working so i can't access your details.I'm using my brother's computer until i get mine repaired.I would love to hear about your experience in istria. A big hello to all my family & friends in stanzia flego,montona,golubici,lubiani,caldier,trieste,zumesco.

Linette Basiaco <gmangianni@yahoo.com.au> - (
Melbourne, Victoria Australia - Sunday, October 15, 2006 at 06:03:33 (EDT)

Salve, il mio nome é Valentina Delzotto, ho 23 anni e discendo dai Delzotto di Dignano ("Terere").

Sono nata a Torino, attualmente vivo in Spagna da piú di 13 anni, e queste sono le mie origini: Mio nonno si chiama Giuseppe (Pino) Delzotto, ed é nato a Dignano nel 32. Sua mamma, la mia bisnonna, si chiamava Domenica Rocco, nata anche lei a Dignano nel 1906, e se non sbaglio sua madre era di Pola, nata nel 1985. La mia Bisnonna aveva due fratelli, uno dei quali si chiamava Leonardo Rocco. Il figlio di quest'ultimo se non sbaglio si chiamava anche lui Leonardo, ed era dunque il nipote del mia bisnonna. Si faceva chiamare Dino, ed emigró in Canada, anche se non so in che anno. Ho una sua foto del 1958 scattata probabilmente in Canada o negli USA...ed é lui o i suoi figli o nipoti che sto cercando...LEONARD ROCCO. Infine il mio bisnonno si chiamava Giovanni Delzotto (conosciuto come "Frere"), il quale purtroppo é mancato poco prima della mia nascita. Mio padre, figlio di Giuseppe Delzotto e di Luigina Fracchia, si chiama Roberto Delzotto. Ho anche un fratello di nome Federico, nato nel 1986, e una sorellina di nome Sofia nata quest'anno.

Vi prego di aiutarmi a contattare con la mia famiglia in Canada, purtroppo non li conosco personalmente e vorrei tanto sapere che fu di loro... Un saluto, Valentina. zottina@hotmail.com calle Pérez Reyes 78/3, 38350, Tacoronte, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, SPAIN

Valentina Delzotto <zottina@hotmail.com> - (
tacoronte, tenerife spain - Monday, October 09, 2006 at 17:38:52 (EDT)

Grazie, Dario, per i tuoi complimenti periodici! Sei tu forsi parente con la familia Prodan che abitava nella casa nostra materna "lu Zuretiza"a Noselo (ora Nova Vas)?

Marisa Ciceran
New York City, NY USA - Friday, October 06, 2006 at 18:51:10 (EDT)

Hello to anyone. Desidero segnalarvi un link interessante per condividere immagini sull'Istria. https://www.flickr.com/groups/istria/. E poi rinnovo i miei saluti allo staf di istrianet, un carissimo augurio di buon lavoro e di felicità. Dario.

Dario Prodan <proledario@email.it> - (
Torino, Italy - Friday, October 06, 2006 at 18:35:40 (EDT)


A a few clarifications and redundencies have been added that should address your questions, and the spelling errors have been corrected at: https://www.istrianet.org/istria/gastronomy/osteria/gnocchi.htm.

Thank you for your feedback and enjoy our gnocchi!

Marisa Ciceran
Manhattan, New York City, NY USA - Sunday, October 1, 2006 at 14:03:03 (EDT)

Regarding your Gnochi - Njoki recipe... You do not mention when to add butter or parmesan and when potatoes should be peeled (if they should be peeled). Also the word potatoes is misspelled in several places. Please respond

Catherine Williams <vitalitysystems@juno.com> - (
Colorado Springs, Colorado USA - Saturday, September 30, 2006 at 02:26:14 (EDT)

ONGARO : in risposta al sig. che chiedeva infos. La informo che a Trieste ci sono 32 famiglie con il nome ONGARO diffuso sia nell'area veneta che friulana , presente inoltre con le forme slovene do OGRIG e VOGRIG che vuol dire come facilmente si puo' capire, UNGARO e/o UNGHERESE dal luogo di provenienza. Nel libro " I nostri cognomi" ed i " Cognomi di Trieste" non esiste altra spiegazione. Cordiali Saluti Giampaolo Lonzar Trieste

Giampaolo Lonzar <giampaolo@domarsrl.it> - (
Trieste, Trieste Italia - Monday, September 25, 2006 at 18:05:38 (EDT)

Bellissimo sito,molto interessante che mi permette di conoschere quel paese dove miei parenti ano vissuto un tempo e del quale mi ano vantato la bellessa per anni.

TONELLI Bruno <brunot47@hotmail.com> - (
Charleroi, Belgiodel - Friday, September 22, 2006 at 15:43:01 (EDT)

Hello, My husband's great grandfather was Joseph Kaschmann but he came from Hesse, Germany. Would you know if Guisseppe Kaschmann originally had family from there?

Laurie Savin <ljtrs@aol.com> - (
Connecticut USA - Friday, September 08, 2006 at 08:47:25 (EDT)

Hello: I enjoyed this very informative and useful site. I noticed there are many people here trying to find their Istra/Istria roots. I strongly encourage them to visit an excellent Genealogy site at https://genforum.genealogy.com/croatia/. Here you can post your questions and you may find that you will get responses from some very well informed people, including genealogists at no cost. Good luck Drazen

Drazen Milobara - (
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Thursday, August 31, 2006 at 13:33:26 (EDT)

questo e' un bellissimo sito,molto interessante, congatulazioni a'chi lo a'fatto. livio ramani, nato a capodistria,correntemente in usa a philadelphia. ciao a tutti gli istriani VERI.

livio ramani <lgrf50@aol.com> - (
philadlphia, phila. united states of america - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 at 14:04:54 (EDT)

I just wanted to say hi to all the Istrians out there. I've been on this site many times but never wrote anything. I just came back from Istria and had a great time. It's so beautiful there. The last time I was there was 5 years ago, and I didn't realize how much I missed it. My mom is from Plomin Luka and my dad is from Zupanici. Lots of family there, so it was great to spend time with them. My two boys (3 and 6) loved it there and are still crying to go back. Oh well, until next year.

Lori Honovic <lh9903@aol.com> - (
Whitestone, New York USA - Monday, August 21, 2006 at 18:54:42 (EDT)

A real surprise to find such a comprehensive and magnificent site. I am son of a polezan and pizinotta. Born and living in Australia. They left istria in 1950. Wish they were alive to see this! Well done!

Stephen Lucani <woodlandsfarm@dragnet.com.au> - (
Stanley, Victoria Australia - Friday, August 18, 2006 at 02:23:26 (EDT)

Pozdrav svim vlasima (istroromani) u Istri i Hrvatskoj od jednog vlaha iz Zagreba. Volio bih stupiti u kontakt sa nekim jer jos nisam naisao ni na jednog vlaha i vlajnu u Hrvatskoj.

Damir <damir.design@email.htnet.hr> - (
Zagreb, Zagrebacka Hrvatska / Croatia - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 at 06:51:56 (EDT)

Il messaggio di sotto "Ottimo sito da molti punti di vista! Un saluto. Salvatore Puggioni" fu mandato al Guestbook ben 12 volte! Questione di entusiasmo o di balbuzie?

DrGoo - (
Melbourne, Australia, - Wednesday, August 02, 2006 at 09:31:31 (EDT)

Ottimo sito da molti punti di vista! Un saluto. Salvatore Puggioni

Salvatore Puggioni <torepugg@yahoo.com> - (
Codrongianos, Sassari Italy - Wednesday, August 02, 2006 at 05:10:47 (EDT)

Hi to everybody! Do you know that there is a Benussi Family in Albania? If you are interested to learn something about this family, you can click here: www.geocities.com/albenussi

Egid Benussi <e.benusi@gmail.com>
Tirana, Albania Albania - Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 04:37:41 (MST)

Beautiful SITE. I have accidently discovered it.

Frank J. Grosz <internetg@swiftdsl.com.au>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Saturday, July 08, 2006 at 03:34:36 (MST)

Vorrei segnalare a tutti l'esistenza di questo sito internet che tratta delle opere di un capodistriano che ha lavorato in Siam, la sua monumentale tomba in stile siamese nel cimitero di Capodistria https://freeweb.siol.net/raspaolo/lucio/tomba.htm

Paolo <ras.paolo@gmail.com>
capodistria, - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 at 12:10:11 (MST)

Pozdrav iz sučane Pule

Robi <rbilic@gmail.com>
Pula, Istra Hrvatska - Thursday, June 22, 2006 at 09:27:11 (MST)

I came across your site while seeking to locate a former business and personal associate, Lino Dussi. From your site I discovered that Lino has written at least one book, La Torre di San Martino. I would like to get in touch with Lino and I hope this connection works!

Gordon Purdy <gpurdy@edfund.org> - (
Folsom, California USA - Wednesday, June 21, 2006 at 15:03:56 (MST)

Hi, I've been reading your Guestbook pages fome some time now and enjoy it very much. Like a lot of other people, I'm trying to track down relatives. If you know anything about the Seni family of Fasana (my father's home town) or the Bilucaglia family of Dignano (my mother's home town) I'd love to hear from you. I can read Italian, so feel free to write in Italian, unfortunately, I'm not too good at writing it but I will give it a go to reply.

Gioia Connolly (nee Seni) <connollg@kempstrang.com.au>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Thursday, June 15, 2006 at 19:26:01 (MST)

Davvero complimenti per questo bellissimo Sito che avete creato ! Vi auguro di continuare così ad espanderVi sempre più. Ho trovato particolarmente interessante la parte dedicata ai cognomi istriani. Vi ho trovato anche quello della mia bisnonna paterna Maria ONGARO.

A proposito , qualcuno mi potrebbe aiutare a sapere qualcosa di piu' sulle origini di questo cognome? Nel Sito ho trovato una pagina che contiene tutti i cognomi della regione Istriana con relativa speigazione , ma è tutta in Serbo-Croato e sarei davvero riconoscente se qualcuno mi inviasse una traduzione. Ancora complimenti e d un affettuoso abbraccio da Firenze !

Dr. David CRISCI

David Crisci <davidkappa1976@yahoo.it>
Firenze, Firenze Italia - Friday, June 09, 2006 at 07:15:17 (MST)

I was looking for the history of my family and I am very glad to find your site! Istrian Victor Brenko was my grandfather. And I want to find more relatives or just friends in Istria and Croatia, write each other or even meet some time. I will be glad for new contacts. Also, write me a line if you are going to visit Russia and need help or information. especially if you want to have business in Russia.

Thanks for this site!  :)

Milla Brenko <milla@brenko.com>
Velikiy Novgorod , Russia - Sunday, May 28, 2006 at 07:05:12 (MST)

Hi everybody!!!!!

i hope that somebody can help me! I'm trying to find a friend that live in Oakville, Canada, but her parents come from Croatia. She spend summer in Rabac (Labin) Her name is Ida Prelovec.

If somebody know she please contact me with a mail, and if it's possible give me her mail!

My name is Silvia, i come from Brescia (italy) and i meet her in Rabac much time ago! Please help me!!!!!!!!!!

With Love

p.s.: i'm sorry for my terrible English

Silvia <sivy1982@libero.it>
Brescia, Italy - Friday, May 26, 2006 at 14:30:52 (MST)

Hello friends;

I write to them to congratulate them by this forum, my name is Carlos Mercado Lukovic I´live on Venezuela and to request aid and direction to them in Croazia, exactly into the kraljevica port (Portore) where I can locate certificates of baptism of years 1840-1845 of the been born ones in the port of Kraljevica (Portore), informed me that some archives of the Diocese exist that can have those archives of baptism of period 1840-1845 since desire urgently that information to be able to obtain to the certificate of birth of Croatian my ancestro, any answer to my email please, thank you very much. Carlos Mercado Lukovic email: carlosmercado1821@hotmail.com

Carlos Mercado <carlosmercado1821@hotmail.com>
Caracas, Venezuela - Sunday, May 14, 2006 at 12:49:15 (MST)

I've become fascinated with Istria, researching where my grandfather was from. He was from Rovigno, and his name was Anthony Sponza (a very common name there, I believe). I'm enjoying this site and hope to visit there sometime. Meanwhile I'm looking for more pictures, recipes, cultural history, etc.

John Fitzgerald <jakfi@aol.com> - (
New York, NY United States - Wednesday, May 10, 2006 at 08:49:39 (MST)

I spend 5 years in Istra and i won to back live there. Best place is Motovun. I love History there and peole. I planing to go back in 2007 and stay there. This time i will bring my Famely with me for USA.

Denis Basic <Denba75@aol.com>
Ankeny, Iowa USA - Monday, May 08, 2006 at 18:42:37 (MST)

Hello Istriani and especially Labinjoni. Found your site by accident (was lookin for recipe for krafe like my motherinlaw made). Sure glad see such a wonderful site, so much info etc. So true that there are those who would change all that Istra is, I hope the Istrian people never allow that to happen. Have been to Istra many times, unfortunately not recently. Keep up the good work, I look forward to checking out all thats new in the future.

Regards, Maggi(marija)

Margaret(Marija)Taylor <maggi32002@yahoo.com>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Monday, May 01, 2006 at 22:27:28 (MST)

Il 22 Aprile 2006 è morta una grande attrice Istriana : Alida Valli

GIUSEPPE RITSCHL <istriota@libero.it>
Senigallia, Ancona Italia - Thursday, April 27, 2006 at 15:47:18 (MST)

My grandfather was from a village called Castelverde (Grdoselo) near Pisin and I wanted to know if there is anybody else out there in the "Istrian World" that may have relatives from this village.. It is only very small so there is a good chance that we are related. Ciao from Cairns in Australia

Richard Mogorovich <mogorovi@hotmail.com> - (
Cairns, Queensland Australia - Sunday, April 23, 2006 at 22:47:53 (MST)

Hi to everyone, I came across your website today and I am truly excited to have found it. I hope that someone will be able to drop me an email as I am looking for any relatives with the surname of Linardon or Sirotich/Siroti. My grandmother Giuseppina (Pina) Sirotich was born in the town of Sovignaco in 1906 and my grandfather Giovanni Linardon was born in Montona in 1906 as well. I belive that Nono was 1 in 9 children and his sisters names were Augusta, Maria and Carmina, unfortunately I don't have the names of his brothers. Nona had 2 sisters and one of their names were Albina. My parents don't have access to the internet and were quite excited when I told them about this website and the possibility of contacting some relatives, as they have lost contact with them over the years.I also look forward to learning more about Istria as I go along. Thank you

Rachel Spolder <rspolder@aol.com>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Saturday, April 22, 2006 at 00:47:09 (MST)

Hello from New Zealand! I am currently tracing my family history for my family tree to pass on to my future generations. I am a descendant of the Devescovi family and would love to hear from anyone who could help me with the Italian heritage of this large family. Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

Rachel <rach.vyt@xtra.co.nz>
Christchurch, New Zealand - Friday, April 21, 2006 at 21:31:34 (MST)

Hi, Daniela,

It's good to hear from you! I wish you, your family and all our Istrian families and friends:

Marisa Ciceran
New York City, New York USA - Saturday, April 15, 2006 at 07:15:020 (MST)

Wishing Marisa Ciceran and Family and all participants of this great site a very Happy Easter! Looking forward to meeting you Marisa!

Daniela Liubicich Massa <dmnyc119@aol.com>
New York City, New York USA - Saturday, April 15, 2006 at 06:05:32 (MST)

Wishing all Istriani around the world especially my family in Golubici, Caldier, Montona, Lubiani, Pirelici, Pisino, Stanzia Flego, Resari, Trieste, Monfalcone & USA a Happy Easter!

LINETTE BASIACO <linettebasiaco@wxc.com.au>
MELBOURNE, VICTORIA AUSTRALIA - Saturday, April 15, 2006 at 05:42:35 (MST)

This is fabulous. I found this site while looking for Pinza recipes on the internet. My parents were born in Pola in the early 20's, and immigrated to America in 1951. My father is still alive, living here in Virginia and I'm sure would love to hear news from home. If you recognize the name Germille, please contact me.

Helen Colmano <melusina@cox.net>
Hampton, Virginia USA - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 at 11:54:00 (MST)

Please, if any person have info about the baroness Maria Ghetaldi-Gondola,or Maria Gondola, born in Dubrovnik in 1837, and resident in Trieste and Venice, would be apreciate!! and your brother Giovanni, with your son Segismondo (1863-1886? Graz) with your sister Ana and Malvina.

Elsa Di Gondola <derecho_jcb@vtr.net>
Santiago, Chile - Sunday, April 02, 2006 at 17:26:33 (MST)

My cousin in Australia told me about this site. My father was born in the island of Unije near Mali Losin. I live in Tampa, Florida. Would like to e mail with other people with Croatian roots.

jacqueline Karcic Walker <jwalker152@tampabay.rr.com>
brooksville, florida USA - Friday, March 31, 2006 at 07:44:34 (MST)

I am writing from Brazil and my grand grand parents came from Capodistria (now - Koper) in the year 1890. I would like to find out some relatives from Capodistria or another place of the world. Their names were Giuseppe Candusio (Gandusio) and Antonia Coslovich. Please, if you know someone with a relationship with them, write to me.... It is very important me...

Carlos <carlos_galuzio@yahoo.com.br>
Santo Andre, Sao Paulo Brazil - Friday, March 24, 2006 at 08:51:32 (MST)

Hello, Enrico T. from Umag! Do you remember me ? How are you doing ? Lubica

Lubica <lubica_k@post.sk>
Bratislava, Slovakia - Thursday, March 23, 2006 at 14:00:49 (MST)

Although this may be a long-shot, I am hoping to reach someone who may have information regarding the fate of my grandfather, Karlo Vidovic of Poljane. In October of 1944, he was arrested by the Nazis in Icici, and then was sent to Dachau. Like so many other innocent people during World War II, he never returned home to his wife and children. Although my Nonna Franica did receive information that he was seen alive during the camp's liberation in 1945, his whereabouts thereafter remain a complete mystery. Next year I plan on visiting Dachau, in an attempt to find additional information. In the meantime, the web-sites which I have visited have not helped me to uncover anything new. If there is anyone who has information regarding the eventual fate of my grandfather, Karlo Vidovic, born in 1911, Poljane, last seen in Dachau, 1945, please e-mail me.

Thank you in advance, Sandy Alice Vidovic

Sandy Alice Vidovic <vidovici@aol.com>
Hinsdale, IL USA - Tuesday, March 21, 2006 at 15:24:34 (MST)

Iščem ZIGANTE DARINKO iz MERLBOURNA. Krajno sodišče jo išče kot dediča po očetu ZVEZDANU ERMINYJU ZIGANTE.

Io cerco ZIGANTE DARINKA da MERLBOURNE. Tribunale di Capodistria ha cerca come erede di pappa ZVEZDAN ERMINY ZIGANTE. Se qualcuno sa qualcosa, mi manda ul email.


JASNA <yasna@email.si>
koper, slovenija - Tuesday, March 14, 2006 at 15:18:37 (MST)

Hi there,

My maiden name is lussin and i am interested in finding more information about the island of lussin.

isa dawn lussin <ellke@shaw.ca>
 - Wednesday, March 08, 2006 at 13:46:33 (MST)

My parents were born in Santomas and Gazonne (sp?) in 1920 and 1923 and were some of those Istrians who emigrated to Trieste where I was born. Thank you for this site. I now live in Scotland, via USA but have family back in Koper and Bertoki and Trieste and Milan. I've been to visit last summer and our homeland is beautiful beyond compare!

Giuliana Bais MacKenzie <julie@juliana5.wanadoo.co.uk>
Helensburgh, Scotland - Monday, February 27, 2006 at 13:14:28 (MST)

I forgot to mention in my last email my parent's date of birth if it helps to recognise their names. Giovanni Antoni nato 24 June 1929 and Anna Plessa nata 17 September 1930.

Rita St Clair <ritastclair@hotmail.com>
Melbourne, Victoria Australia - Saturday, February 11, 2006 at 18:38:56 (MST)

Today I took the time to read some of this fabulous site and would like to mention that my father (Giovanni "Nini" Antoni, figlio di Francesca, fratello di Bruna, Livia, Beppi, Claudio) was born in Pola and my mother (Anna Plessa figlia di Maria, sorella di Roberto, Pino) was born in Lusin Piccolo. If anyone out there was recognise these people I would love to hear from you.

Rita St Clair <ritastclair@hotmail.com>
Melbourne, Victoria Australia - Saturday, February 11, 2006 at 18:32:36 (MST)

Hi, congratulation for the site of Istria. I am istrian discendent,and i like to see thes site that i just discovered. In the page of prominent istrians, i do not see the name of Gregorio Draghicchio a professor of gimnastic and sport figure between 1880-1905.? thankyou G.Draghicchio

Gregorio Draghicchio <g8draghicchio@yahoo.com>
green bay, wisconsin u.s.a. - Saturday, February 11, 2006 at 14:40:30 (MST)

hello, My name is nello palin,I was born in Dignano d'Istria in 1943 and I'm leaving in Belgium. This Sunday for the 2d year we celebrate the patron saint of Dignano,San Biaggio. We organized a lunch in Brussel and we were 28 ,a part of them were born in Dignano. If somedy are interested I could send some photographies and we'll also appeciate to have some news from Dignanese people in all the world.nello

nello palin <nello.palin@skynet.be>
Floreffe, Belgium - Tuesday, February 07, 2006 at 03:37:33 (MST)

can you make texts,photos of childs, and lots of information of the school in zminj kroatia on this site please thank you

barbara demarin <jurici@hotmail.de>
münchen, germany münchen - Sunday, February 05, 2006 at 11:25:57 (MST)

Hi! My parents are from Vinez/Labin. I´d like to get in touch with other people from there.

Jessica Faraguna <jessica_faraguna@hotmail.com>
Anderstorp, Sweden - Saturday, February 04, 2006 at 08:18:59 (MST)

Trazim Cipriana Knapic iz Australije , Melburne. Potreban mi je novi e-mail, stari je cip@alphalink.com.au Na stari mi se vise ne javlja.

Davor <davor_istra@net.hr>
Labin, Istra Hrvatska - Wednesday, February 01, 2006 at 12:51:31 (MST)

Tanti saluti a tutti i Istriani de bon cuor in tel mondo,e sopra tutto a mia sorella Nadia e suo mari Vinko ke i vivi in America. Ve spetemo el piu presto qua con noi.

Marinela Vigini <farabutto_hr@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, February 01, 2006 at 11:40:59 (MST)

Lloyd Peternell wrote:

I wish I could find in the Ellis island ship records it show a Jho Peternell age 26 coming over in 1894.

Could you possibly mean "Joh Peternell age 26 coming over in 1892???" If so, click here. You might be in luck (grin).

DeeDee wrote:

is there any Basiacco? my grandfather Giuseppe Basiacco moved from Buje (which is in Croatia) to Trieste (Italy) after the secon world war. the original surname was Basiaco, but it was changed by the fascism to make it more "italian".

While I was perusing the Ellis Island immigration records, I came across a relative of yours (possibly a close one, too). Was Giuseppe related to someone named Anton Basiaco? Anton lists his ethnicity as both Austrian and Croatian. He was 25 years old when he departed for the U.S., arriving on October 7th, 1907. He sailed on "La Gascogne," a French flag vessel, from Le Havre to New York. Click - https://ellisisland.org/shipping/shipImages/lagascogne.jpg - to see a photo of the ship.

TO ALL PERSONS WITH ISTRIAN ANCESTRY - If you're interested in researching your family tree to see which of your relatives came to the U.S. through the Ellis Island Immigration Center in New York between 1892-1924, you might want to take advantage of the free membership option with the Ellis Island Foundation. Click https://www.ellisisland.org/membership/wme_3.asp?login_targ=none to apply online. But be careful (grin), they might try to "sell" you their "full" membership package. Free membership allows you access to information on immigrant arrivals. Paid membership probably has other percs but I'm not certain what they are. After you join, you can visit their main website https://www.ellisisland.org to perform passenger searches by name.

J. Alec

J. Alec West
- Wednesday, January 25, 2006 at 23:36:17 (MST)

hi guys!

(I'm italian, and yes,i know my english is awful!)

is there any Basiacco? my grandfather Giuseppe Basiacco moved from Buje (which is in Croatia) to Trieste (Italy) after the secon world war. the original surname was Basiaco, but it was changed by the fascism to make it more "italian".

questo è quanto........

bacioni agli istriani in tutto il mondo!

DeeDee <ghost_world@email.it>
- Wednesday, January 25, 2006 at 14:25:44 (MST)

John Peternell was in the 1910 census at Castle Gate Prec., Carbon Co., Utah . John married my grandmother, Virginia Blasig, “married shows, Blasig Virginia on July 15, 1902 in Kemmerer. Since he was a miner, he seemed to travel from different mines. 1st child was born in Colorado in 1903, 2nd child, my dad, was born in 1904, in Utah, 3rd child was born in Kemmerer, Wyoming in 1905, and daughter was born in 1907, back in Colorado. John would be somewhere in the 1900 Census, since the 1910 census shows that he came here in 1894. I can’t find him though. He died in 1911 in Kemmerer, Wyoming and is buried there, I do have photo of his grave stone .On Tyrol my sister had said he was but I have no proof that he was I have been trying to find out where was born, I do not have his immigration record I wish I could find in the Ellis island ship records it show a Jho Peternell age 26 coming over in 1894 and that was the age of John at that time.  I have a family tree on john at peternellfamilyplace.com Thank You. Lloyd Peternell

Lloyd Peternell <lloyd_peternell@yahoo.com>
Big Bear City, California USA - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 14:06:43 (MST)

Hello Alma,

It's good to hear from you on this Guestbook. Why don't you also join the Istrian family online by subscribing to our Yahoo group called "istria-talks"? We are over 235 members from all over the world and write in every language! See all our other options at:


Marisa Ciceran
New York City, NY USA - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 at 08:59:56 (MST)

I really enjoy the site. Many thanks to those who have a hand of bringing Istria (La Terra Magica) closer to home. I live in Melbourne Australia but I was born in Porec,attended 1st grade only in Kastelir and lived in Selo Krancici. I make every effort to pass on my knowledge and any info I find on our beautiful Istria to my Australian born children. If anyone wishes to communicate with me, you are most welcome. I speak read and write Istrianski and Italian.


Saluti Alma

Alma Radin <almaporec@hotmail.com>
Melbourne, Victoria Australia - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 at 06:59:56 (MST)

Cerco informazione dove devo scrivere per prendere un certificato di morte di una persona slovena morta in merlbourne-australija. Mille grazie

jasna <yasna@email.si>
koper, slovenija - Saturday, January 14, 2006 at 15:30:03 (MST)

a me serve un aiuto.Prego se qualcuno mi puo dare informazioni dove posso prendere un certificato di morte di una persona morta a Merlbourne. Australia. Mi serve solo indirizio. Tante grazie...

jasna ivančič <yasna@email.si>
koper, slovenia - Saturday, January 14, 2006 at 15:27:45 (MST)

Felice Ano Novo anche a ti e ai tui Marisa, e al resto dela nostra comunita sparsa per tuti i cantoni del mondo.

Perche Istrianet no organiza un raduno tuti noi veci istriani a Pola per el primo del 2007/8? Ogi sfortunadamente el piu e gradualmente sempre meno de noi interesadi, semo lenti de gamba, col baston, o co le rodele. Ma sempre pieni de morbin!

De novo tanti auguri a tuti.

Claudio, el marsupial vecio polesan

Claudio <berny@netspace.net.au>
Melbourne, Victoria Australia - Friday, January 13, 2006 at 16:06:48 (MST)

Ciao a tutti e ovviamente auguri per il nuovo anno. Rinnovo gli infiniti complimenti a Marisa e tutto lo Staff di Istrianet.org, siete parte di un miracolo runendo gli istriani e i loro discendenti lontani, attraverso questo nobile progetto. Sempre riconoscente, con stima vi saluto. Dario.

Dario Prodan <proledario@email.it>
Torino, Italia - Saturday, January 07, 2006 at 08:19:10 (MST)

In behalf of our tiny volunteer work team from around the world, I wish everyone a very happy, healthful and prosperous New Year!

Fileîse Ano Nuvo Srećno Novo Leto Felice Ano Novo Cuntent Ån Novo
  Sretna Nova Godina Felice Anno Nuovo Srečno Novo Leto

Marisa Ciceran
New York City, NY USA, Thursday, January 1, 2006 at 00:00:01 (EST)

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