Risotto con le seppie

Risoto - Risotto

Introduction (English)

The rice menus are divided into two sections: Risi and Risotti (below).

Risotti menu:

Risotto colle seppie


  • 800 g di seppie
  • 300 g di riso
  • 1 di d'olio d'oliva
  • 1 di di vino bianco
  • 150 g di cipolla
  • 20 g d'aglio
  • 15 g di prezzemolo
  • 15 g di sale
  • 50 g di parmigiano grattugiato

Pulire le seppie, estrarre le vescichette che contengono il nero e la penna, lavarle per bene e tagliarle a listerelle. Rosolare nell'olio la cipolla tritata finemente, aggiungere un trito d'aglio, il prezzemolo e le seppie. Mescolando, stufare un pochino, quindi unire il riso, versare il vino e tanta acqua bollente quanto basta a ricoprire il riso. Mescolare, salare e lasciar cuocere a fuoco moderato finché il riso non sarà cotto. Servire con il parmigiano grattugiato.


  • Cucina Istriana, a cura di Frako Lukež e Branko Lovrić, Petko (Pula, 1994), ISBN 953-6217-02-3

Risotto nero

Questo piatto si prepara allo stesso modo e con gli stessi ingredienti di quello precedente - Risotto con le seppie - soltanto che, prima di aggiungere l'acqua, si mescola al riso il nero delle seppie.


  • Cucina Istriana, a cura di Frako Lukež e Branko Lovrić, Petko (Pula, 1994), ISBN 953-6217-02-3

Risoto de scampi # 1

Risoto de scampi, although not eaten all that often by Venetians - but very popular with Istrians - is usually associated with Venice. When properly prepared it is delicate and delightful.

The scampi best suited to this recipe are small, the tail measuring 1-1/2 to 2 inches maximum. In the markets in Venice when they are this little they come with the heads already detached since the claws when so small have no commercial value. This is too bad. We think that by using the heads and claws, the broth in which the rice is to be cooked could be made stronger without masking the scampi flavor.

More about the broth. We use the water in which the scampi have been boiled and supplement it with boiling water only. Some people prefer to use fish stock in order to give the rice a more substantial flavor. We feel that fish stock overpowers the scampi flavor and the delicateness is lost.

  • 1 pound small scampi without heads
  • 3 cups cold water
  • Salt
  • another 2-1/2 cups water, simmer in 2 ounces butter
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
  • 1/2 medium onion
  • finely chopped Pepper
  • (1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese)

Rinse the scampi under running water and place them in a pot. Cover with 3 cups cold water and add a little salt. Use much less salt than you normally would for boiling crustaceans since the rice will be cooked in this water. Place the pot over high heat and bring the water to a boil. Cook for 7 or 8 minutes from the time the water reaches a rolling boil. If too much foam forms during cooking, skim it and reduce the flame to a point where the water boils less vigorously. After 7 or 8 minutes, remove the scampi from the broth. Strain the broth through a cloth and set aside for later use.

Peel the scampi and vein them if you wish.

Return the scampi broth to a boil. In another saucepan bring 2V2 cups of water to a simmer. While the broth and water are heating, go on to the next step.

(Read the introductory remarks about rice) Place a saucepan containing butter and olive oil over medium heat. When the butter has melted, add the garlic and cook it until browned. Remove and discard the garlic. Add the parsley and onion. Stir occasionally while cooking until the onion becomes translucent, 5 minutes or so. Then add about half of the scampi and some pepper. Mix well for a minute or so and then add the rice. Mix again and then start adding the broth a little at a time. When the broth is exhausted, add the simmering water as needed. After 15 minutes cooking, add the remaining scampi and continue to cook until the rice is ready, another 3 minutes or so. The rice should be tender but not mushy.

You may add a little Parmesan cheese, but be careful not to overdo it. Correct the seasoning and serve in soup dishes.


  • H, F. Bruning, Jr. and Cav. Umberto Bullo, Venetian Cooking. 200 Authentic Recipes Adaptd for American Cooks, Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. (New York - London, 1973).

Risoto de scampi de Nina


  • risotto.jpg (405535 bytes)1 lb.  medium shrimp
  • 2 cups Arborio rice
  • 1  small onion, finely chopped
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 tablespoons (approx.) chopped parsley
  • 8 oz. can of peeled tomatoes
  • salt & pepper

Saute onion, garlic, and parsley in olive oil in large pot until onion is tender. Add tomatoes and simmer for 10 minutes. Set aside.

Saute shrimp in olive oil in separate skillet about 5 minutes. Add shrimp to other pot. Add rice and boiling water to cover. Cook slowly, adding additional boiling water from time to time, until rice is cooked (about 20 minutes). Season with salt and pepper to taste.


  • Recipe - Nina Ciceran
  • Photo - Croatian Cuisine, the Modern Way. Golden Marketing (Zagreb, 1995)

Risoto de cape # 1 (small clams)

Risotto for 4, using small clams:

  • 2 to 2-1/2 lb. small clams
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 3 tb. olive oil
  • 2 cups strained clam juice reserved from opening the clams: if there is not enough, make up the difference with fish stock or water
  • 2 tb. finely chopped parsley
  • Pepper
  • 1-1/3 cups risotto (arborio) rice
  • Another 2-1/2 to 3 cups clam juice, fish stock, water, or a mixture, simmering
  • (1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese)

Wash, purge, and open the clams as discussed above. Be sure to save and strain the clam juice. Set the meat aside for later use.2. Peel a clove of garlic and place it with the olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. When the garlic has browned, remove and discard it. Set the saucepan aside to cool a bit,

To the saucepan add 2 cups of clam broth, the parsley, and quite a bit of pepper. Return to the fire and bring the broth to a boil.

(Read the introductory remarks about rice, page 63.) Add the rice to the saucepan and adjust the flame to a point where a gentle boil is maintained. As the rice cooks add more broth from the other cooking vessel as it is needed. After the rice is about Va cooked, about 14 minutes, add the clams. Finish cooking the rice, about 18 minutes total, until just tender but not mushy.

Correct the seasoning and serve in soup dishes. Optional: Stir in 1/4 cup of grated Parmesan cheese just prior to serving.


  • H. F. Bruning, Jr. and Cav. Umberto Bullo, Venetian Cooking. 200 Authentic Recipes Adaptd for American Cooks, Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. (New York - London, 1973).

Risoto de cape # 2 (large clams)

Risotto for 4, using large clams:

  • 1 lb. large clams
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 3 tb. olive oil
  • 1 cup strained clam juice reserved from opening the clams
  • 2 tb. finely chopped parsley
  • Pepper
  • 1 cup water, simmering
  • 1-1/3 cups risott (arborio) rice
  • Another 2-1/2 to 3 cups clam juice, fish stock, water, or a mixture, simmering
  • (1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese)

Wash, purge, and open the clams as discussed above. Be sure to save and strain the clam juice. Set the meat aside for later use.

Peel a clove of garlic and place it along with the olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. When the garlic has browned, remove and discard it. Set the saucepan aside to cool a bit.

Add 1 cup clam juice, the parsley, quite a bit of pepper, and the clams. Bring the broth to a simmer, cover the saucepan, and cook for 30 minutes.

Remove the clams from the saucepan and place them on a strainer or food mill over another saucepan. Pour a little of the broth from the saucepan over the clams and work them with a wooden spoon until dry. Add some more broth and continue as before. When all the broth hasbeen consumed, use the i cup simmering water, repeating the above procedure. When all the water has been consumed, discard the material remaining in the strainer and bring the broth to a boil.

(Read the introductory remarks about rice.) Add the rice to the boiling broth, stir, and adjust the flame so that a gentle boil is maintained. Stir frequently, adding simmering broth as needed. Cook until the rice is tender, about 18 minutes. Correct the seasoning.

Serve in soup dishes. Optional: stir in Va cup grated Parmesan cheese just before serving.


  • H. F. Bruning, Jr. and Cav. Umberto Bullo, Venetian Cooking. 200 Authentic Recipes Adaptd for American Cooks, Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. (New York - London, 1973).

Risoto de bisi

Risoto de bisi is prepared in exactly the same way as the minestra called Risi e bisi except that less broth is used. Subtracting a cup and a half of broth should give the proper consistency.


  • H. F. Bruning, Jr. and Cav. Umberto Bullo, Venetian Cooking. 200 Authentic Recipes Adaptd for American Cooks, Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. (New York - London, 1973).

Risoto col sugo de carne


  • riso
  • sugo di carne
  • brodo
  • burro
  • formaggio grattugiato

Anzitutto bisogna preparare un buon brodo ed un buon sugo. Quindi in un tegame posto sul fuoco, si deposita qualche cucchiaio di sugo e si getta il riso (un pugneto per persona), mescolandolo per qualche minuto affinchè assorba il condimento. Man mano che il fondo del tegame si asciuga, si versa qualche cazioleto di brodo bollente, avendo cura di mescolare in continuazione. A cottura avvenuta se sonsi (si aggiunge) qualche cucchiaio di sugo, un po' di burro ed un pizzico abbondante di formaggio, amalgamando il tutto con un'ultima mescolata. Prima di ripartirlo fumante nei piatti, sta bene che, per un momento, il risotto riposi.


  • Giuseppe Radole, Folclore istriano, MGS Press (Trieste, 1997)

Risotto ai frutti di mare


  • 1.2 kg di mitili o 600 g datteri di mare o 1.3 kg di mussoli 300 g di riso
  • 1 di d'olio d'oliva
  • 150 g di cipolla
  • 20 g d'aglio
  • 200 g di pomodoro fresco
  • 10 g di prezzemolo
  • 2 g di pepe
  • 10 g di sale
  • 40 g di formaggio pecorino grattugiato

Di qualsiasi tipo di frutti dì mare si faccia uso, è necessario prima dì tutto lavarli per di tutto lavarli per bene, poi metterli in una pentola a fuoco elevato perché si aprano. Mescolare, di tanto in tanto, perché le conchiglie si aprano tutte contemporaneamente. Quando saranno tutte aperte, togliere il recipiente dal fuoco ed estrarre i molluschi. Rosolare un po' nell'olio la cipolla tritata finemente, unire l'aglio e il prezzemolo tritati e i pomodori tagliati a dadini. Stufare un pochino. Aggiungere il rìso, i molluschi, il pepe, il sale, versando di tanto in tanto un po' d'acqua o di brodo e, mescolando di continuo, stufare finché il riso non sarà cotto. Servire col formaggio grattugiato.


  • Cucina Istriana, a cura di Frako Lukež e Branko Lovrić, Petko (Pula, 1994), ISBN 953-6217-02-3

Risotto coi calamari


  • 800 g di calamari
  • 300 g di rìso
  • 1 di d'olio d'oliva
  • 1,5 di di vino bianco
  • 60 g di concentrato di pomodoro
  • 30 g d'aglio
  • 40 g di parmigiano grattugiato
  • 15 g di sale

Soffriggere un po' nell'olio molto caldo i calamari tagliati a listini. Aggiungere il concentrato di pomodoro, l'aglio tritato, il vino e il riso. Versare l'acqua bollente (1 tazzina di riso - 2 tazzine d'acqua) e salare. Coprire e lasciar stufare lentamente finché non sarà evaporato tutto il liquido. Servire col parmigiano grattugiato.


  • Cucina Istriana, a cura di Frako Lukež e Branko Lovrić, Petko (Pula, 1994), ISBN 953-6217-02-3

Risotto di pinne squamose


  • 2 pinne squamose
  • 300 g di rìso
  • 1 di d'olio d'oliva
  • 150 g di cipolla
  • 20 g d'aglio
  • 200 g di pomodoro fresco
  • 20 g di prezzemolo
  • 2 g di pepe
  • 15 g di sale
  • 40 g di formaggio pecorino grattugiato

Aprire le pinne col coltello ed astrarre i visceri e la vescichetta .di sabbia. Togliere i molluschi dalle valve e tagliarli a pezzettini. Rosolare nell'olio la cipolla ben tritata fino a diventare dolciastra, aggiungere Taglio tritato e i pomodori tagliati a dadini. Mescolare un po', quindi unire i molluschi. Stufare un pochino, aggiungere il riso e versare l'acqua calda {1 tazzina di riso - 2 tazzìne d'acqua). Mescolare, coprire e lasciar cucinare a bassa temperatura finché tuttal'acqua non sarà evaporata. Servire caldo col formaggio pecorino grattugiato.


  • Cucina Istriana, a cura di Frako Lukež e Branko Lovrić, Petko (Pula, 1994), ISBN 953-6217-02-3

Risotto with wild hop shoots (Risotto con bruscandoli)


  • a bunch of wild hop shoots (bruscandoli), chopped with tougher ends removed
  • a drizzle of olive oil
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 1.5 liter (6 cups) vegetable broth
  • a splash of white wine
  • 30 g. (2 tblsp.) butter
  • 50 g. (1/2 cup) parmesan cheese
  • 25 g. (1/4 cup) toasted almonds, chopped
  • salt
  1. In a heavy medium saucepan, heat a drizzle of oil.
  2. Add onion and chopped wild hop shoots and cook until softened. Add rice and cook, stirring frequently, until translucent, 2-3 minutes. Add wine and cook until it’s completely evaporated.
  3. Reduce heat and add a ladleful of broth, stirring frequently and allowing the liquid to absorb fully before adding more. Repeat the process, adding a ladleful of broth at a time. Cook rice until “al dente”, about 20 minutes.
  4. Remove from the heat, add butter and grated cheese. Mix well until melted and creamy. Add salt, to taste. You can stir in more broth to adjust consistency. Sprinkle some chopped almonds on top and serve.


  • http://www.veryeatalian.com/risotto-with-wild-hop-shoots-risotto-con-bruscandoli/

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This page compliments of Marisa Ciceran, Pino Golja and Etty Simich

Created: Wednesday, January 20, 1999. Last Updated: Sunday, January 15, 2023
Copyright © 1998 IstriaNet.org, USA